Android - ViewPager in ScrollView

One of the most famous question about Android is how can we put a ViewPager into the ScrollView. Yes i know, put a scrollable into an another scrollable is not a good idea in Android. And Google says never do that. But, what can we do? For example iOS guys can do that very easily and when your customer see this property in iOS app, wants the same property in Android app. Ok, let's see what can we do about that?

Android TabWidget without TabHost - SingleTabWidget

I am a big fun of fragments in Android. Design with fragments is very useful for developers when you think about different ui for phone and tablet. And we have an ActionBar when we want to design our interface with Navigation Tabs.
Before fragments and the action bar, we have used TabActivity, TabHost and TabWidget for tabbed design. Now, we can use the same structure for fragments with FragmentTabHost. Are you sure?

Sort collection by object property in Java

A lot of time, we are sorting something in our applications. Sort numbers, sort string, etc. What about when we are sorting objects with their property. For example, you have a person class and you have a list of persons. And you need to sort this list by age property of person.

Marker Clusterer for Google Maps on Android

Google Maps Android API v2 is a great library for Android developers to create maps application. It is very clear and easy to use. Creating map items and events are very easy. But, it has no facility for marker clustering. There are some samples on the net for clustering. Here is my solution about that.

Touchable Google Maps in Android

Google Maps Android API v2 is a great library for Android developers to create maps application. It is very clear and easy to use. Creating map items and events are very easy. But, when i was working on it, there is no touch event on the map. What happens if user tap the map, zoom the map, etc. What is the new position of camera? What is the new zoom level?

Open an activity with animation in Android

One of the funny part of mobile development for me is animations. When developing a mobile application, time to time we are working on animations for better user interaction and experience. Android has good animation classes like android.view.animation and Animation. And a lot of apps are using this classes very well for views and widgets.

HttpHelper class for Android

When we are developing an application that is interacted with web, we needs http methods to get/put/post/delete something. For Android, i have created a helper class that is called as HttpHelper. Send url and json data to this class and receive meaningful response object with status, data and exception.

Use log4j in Android

When i am developing an application for Android, i am already looking for a good library or functionality for logging mechanism. For Java applications i am already using log4j and log4net for .net applications. When i am researching a log4j capabilities on Android, i found a good library which is called android-logging-log4j. It is an open source and it has a simple and good LogConfigurator class.

Send asynchronous e-mail in C#

When developing an application, we generally use an auto e-mail functions to send notification, information, etc. to user. When sending an e-mail in C# we use System.Net.Mail Namespace and SmtpClient Class to send the specified message to a SMTP server for delivery. But, Send method is a synchronous method. It means, send method blocks while the e-mail is transmitted and user waits for the response and also ui is blocked.

ProgressBox with JavaScript

When developing a web page, time to time we needs a ProgressBox to show information to user about long progress. For example when making ordered ajax calls, we want to show information about process. I have developed my ProgressBox function with java script and jQuery. I hope it will be useful for you.